Online Conform Service in Norway.
We conform for color grading. We conform for CG. We conform for finishing.
Online Conform Service
In the film industry, the process of conforming is an essential step in the post-production process. It involves matching the final edited cut of the film to the original camera negative or digital files. This process ensures that the final output is consistent with the intended visual and audio design of the film.
Traditionally, the process of conforming was done in-house by a team of experienced professionals using specialized equipment. However, the rise of online conform services has revolutionized the way the film industry operates.
Online conform services allow filmmakers to upload their final edited cut to a secure online platform, where it can be matched to the original camera negative or digital files by a team of experienced professionals. This process is not only more convenient, but it also provides filmmakers with greater flexibility and cost-effectiveness.
One of the primary benefits of online conform services is that they allow filmmakers to work with experienced professionals from anywhere in the world. This means that filmmakers can access top-quality services regardless of their location, which was previously not possible.
Additionally, online conform services are typically more cost-effective than in-house conforming, as they eliminate the need for expensive equipment and dedicated staff. This makes the process accessible to independent filmmakers and small production companies who may not have had the resources to conform their films in-house previously.
In conclusion, online conform services are revolutionizing the film industry by making the process more accessible, flexible, and cost-effective. With the rise of these services, filmmakers can rest assured that their final product will be of the highest quality, no matter where they are located.
Our remote Workflow
How are materials delivered?
• You can upload all materials to our server.
• You can provide a link for us to download your materials.
• You can send a disk with your materials by post.
How is editing delivered?
• A detailed instruction for the editorial is available here.
How is working with a Colorist?
• Online Conform - matching offline editing to camera source files.
• Consolidate media only used in timeline.
• We provide a link to consolidate media.
• Send to Colorist Davinci Resolve project.
• The colorist uploads the colored files to our server.
How does post-production work?
• You send us a breakdown.
• We export all the necessary frames according to the technical requirements.
• We provide a link to the material for all vendors.
• As each vendor completes their render, they upload it to our server.
How does finishing work?
• Materials from all vendors are uploaded to our server.
• A high-quality montage is assembling using all materials.
• Our engineers check each frame for technical compliance.
• The client receives a preview link in where they can view and comment on the work.
• After the preview is approved, we exporting and send a DCP for final approval.
• If there are any comments, we make corrections and resend the DCP for approval.
• After final approval, we exporting masters according to technical requirements.
Preparation for Conform
Program start must be: 01:00:00:00.
Bars and Tone:
SMPTE color bars together with a continuous 1000 Hz audio tone before sending program material, in order to assert ownership of the transmission line or medium, and so that receiving stations and intermediary telecommunications providers may adjust their equipment.
Bars and Tone is a 1 kHz tone that is one frame long and placed 2 seconds before the start of program: 00:59:58:00.
A matching XML/EDL/AAF of the edit:
• Duplicate sequence to prepare the XML/EDL/AAF
• Delete unused layers
• Dollapse shots down to one layer if possible
• Demove un-used shots
• Delete audio tracks media only used in timeline.
An offline reference QuickTime from the edit with burn-ins:
• Record timecode
• Source timecode
• Source file name
• Text overlays describing unsupported timeline effects like stabilizes (resizes and timewarps should come across in the XML/EDL/AAF below).
Technical requirements for offline reference QuickTime:
• A good rule of thumb is to make a timeline-resolution ProResLT or DNxHD 36 file.
Preparation for Audio Post-Production
Program start must be: 01:00:00:00.
Bars and Tone:
SMPTE color bars together with a continuous 1000 Hz audio tone before sending program material, in order to assert ownership of the transmission line or medium, and so that receiving stations and intermediary telecommunications providers may adjust their equipment.
Bars and Tone is a 1 kHz tone that is one frame long and placed 2 seconds before the start of program: 00:59:58:00.
Dialogue and music must be arranged separately:
• Tracks 1-8: Dialogue
• Tracks 9-16: Temp FX
• Tracks 17-24: Music
An offline reference QuickTime from the edit with burn-ins:
• Record timecode
Technical requirements for offline reference QuickTime:
• A good rule of thumb is to make a 1080p resolution ProRes Proxy or DNxHD file.
Audio Delivery Specs:
• Audio Delivery format must be OMF or AAF (AAF is preferred as OMF doesn’t retain metadata and has 2 GB File Size Limit, and larger projects must be broken into individual reels when it exceeds 2 GB)
• Audio File Format: Uncompressed Broadcast WAVE (.wav)
• Audio Sample Rate: 48 khz (48,000 Hz)
• Audio Bit Depth: 24 Bits
• Audio Handles: Minimum of 5 Seconds, 10 Seconds is Prefered (10 Seconds = 240 frames @ 23.976, 300 frames @ 29.97, etc)
• Timecode Format & Frame Rate must match Reference Video
• Include a copy of all original assets from production audio, alternate takes, & original score & alt versions. (Having alternate takes of production sound can sometimes eliminate the need for ADR)